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Els van der Lelij

Tenth Final of The Fresh Connection Global PRO Challenge 2020

The tenth final of the event known as ‘The Fresh Connection Global PRO Challenge’ was held last month. In this Global PRO Final, 20 company teams from all over the world compete for the title of Global Supply Chain Management Champion plus an illustrious prize: an intensive four-day executive course at MIT in Cambridge, USA. Four demanding...

We’re back to work but traffic jams are still taking a break

At the start of the coronavirus crisis, when the nationwide lockdown came into force, the daily snarl-ups on Dutch roads suddenly vanished overnight. The lockdown has since been lifted and employees are increasingly going back into the office. Although many people are still working from home, figures from the National Data Warehouse for Traffic...

Managing Actual Volatile Demand in the Global Automotive Supply Chain

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview “Managing Actual Volatile Demand in the Global Automotive Supply Chain” features Egge Haak of Involvation. Involvation have teamed up with Netherlands-based Flostock on a series of Private Webinars on “Taming the Bullwhip” for the global automotive supply chain. In the 13-minute Audio Interview,...

Peter Tielemans appointed member of Program commission TKI Dinalog

The logistics sector is one of the economic areas in which The Netherlands has a world-wide leading position for decades. In 2010 the Dutch Government appointed the Logistics sector as one of the nine Dutch Topsectors with a focus for further development to strengthen it’s position. In TKI Dinalog (The Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics) the...

Keep your high potentials on board

Talented hight potentials are four times more productive than other employees. A fierce battle is raging among companies to recruit these professionals, including for supply chain roles. While it is difficult enough to find and attract the right people, it is even a bigger challenge to keep them motivated and loyal once they are on board. Use...

The colours of customer service

In my previous blog I talked about the colours of yellow and blue: two behavioural styles from the DISC personality profile. A keen eye for detail, accuracy and caution are typical of blue behaviour, while yellow behaviour is characterized by taking the initiative, a short attention span, creativity and a high degree of interaction with others. ...

‘Becoming a “learning organization” helps in winning the war for talent’

The war for talent is far from over. How should your business tackle it? How can you ensure that your company continues to attract and retain the right people? Here, Alfons Willemsen and Hans van der Drift, partners at Involvation, share their vision on the war for talent. According to Willemsen, there is an ongoing shortage of skilled...

When blue meets yellow

I recently spoke to a supply chain manager who was a little frustrated because he didn’t feel appreciated by the rest of his organization, despite working tremendously hard. His team of supply planners comprises extremely professional and highly qualified people. As planning experts, they get the absolute most out of the resources and capacity...

Will your Supply Chain team reveal their true colours?

Every day, we work with our customers to optimize their supply chains, whether as part of consultancy projects in which we explore better approaches to processes, systems and organizations, or by providing training to increase our customers’ knowledge of supply chain management so that they can continue to make lasting improvements themselves.