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Busting the myth of the bullwhip effect

It is a widespread misconception that the bullwhip effect is caused by irrational behaviour. In fact, it also occurs when planners react completely rationally. To prevent the bullwhip effect, you first need to understand what causes it.It is such a shame that the bullwhip effect is blamed on irrational behaviour. Moreover, it is not particularly...

Keep your high potentials on board

Talented hight potentials are four times more productive than other employees. A fierce battle is raging among companies to recruit these professionals, including for supply chain roles. While it is difficult enough to find and attract the right people, it is even a bigger challenge to keep them motivated and loyal once they are on board. Use...

The C-crisis, a déjà vu for C-level

Different crisis, same messages Of course it is terrible to see how the COVID-19 crisis is spreading. First and foremost sympathy goes out to the patients or victims affected by the disease. In the media there are unlimited discussions about the disease, the origin or the fatality rates and comparisons with other diseases (like the influenza...

S&OP/IBP and the role of serious gaming

Implementing S&OP is simple but not easy; balancing supply and demand in the short and medium term should not be too difficult, although practice often shows otherwise. The biggest challenge in most cases is to create a process that adds so much value for the business that lasting buy-in is created from all stakeholders. The next step in S&OP...

Demand Driven: DDMRP or DDSCM?

The term DDMRP has been around since 2011 and has received much attention in recent years. The promises are big: improved service levels, inventory reductions of 30-40%, shorter delivery times (up to 80% reduction!) and minimal costs. Are the windows in your Supply Chain department already fogging up? DDMRP is based on the fact that variability...

Adding a whole new dimension to supply chain learning

Involvation has invented a truly unique learning concept called The Value Chain Academy, in which a tailor-made learning path is developed for each customer based on the existing learning needs and the target group. The options range from a short, one-off training programme to a worldwide, entirely in-house Supply Chain Academy (which we have...

The colours of customer service

In my previous blog I talked about the colours of yellow and blue: two behavioural styles from the DISC personality profile. A keen eye for detail, accuracy and caution are typical of blue behaviour, while yellow behaviour is characterized by taking the initiative, a short attention span, creativity and a high degree of interaction with others. ...

‘Becoming a “learning organization” helps in winning the war for talent’

The war for talent is far from over. How should your business tackle it? How can you ensure that your company continues to attract and retain the right people? Here, Alfons Willemsen and Hans van der Drift, partners at Involvation, share their vision on the war for talent. According to Willemsen, there is an ongoing shortage of skilled...

Changing successfully with the Change Compass

'Change is the law of life' “Change is the law of life...” said John F. Kennedy during one of his speeches in 1963. This famous quote is more relevant for organisations today than ever before. The world around them is evolving increasingly quickly and companies are continuously involved in change – or at least they should be. But that’s not easy –...

Planning in the twilight

Numerous articles have been published recently on the topics of no-touch planning and lights-out planning. The first thought that comes to my mind is whether planning requiring no intervention at all is indeed possible… and my second thought is whether that is desirable. Possible? Personally, I don’t think it’s possible to fully automate the...